Crypto-Currency MasterClass
with Nicolle Wepener

Why Crypto? Well here are a few reasons why one should add this to your portfolio:

  • Easy Transactions
  • Incredible Security
  • Short Settlement Times and Low Fees
  • Industry Growth
  • Magnificent Returns
  • Private Transactions
  • Portfolio Diversification
  • Inflation Hedge
  • Cross-Border Payments
  • A More Inclusive Financial System
  • Transactional Freedom
  • 24/7 Market

The Crypto Currency Master Class is designed to take the mystery out of Crypto as an asset class and guide you through the many pitfalls surrounding this instrument, putting you on the path to safely invest or trade Crypto.

Watch the introduction video where we describe what this MasterClass is all about:

The Crypto Master Class includes:

  • One-on-One sessions with Nicolle
  • Maximum of 10 delegates only
  • Online Zoom meetings every Tuesday and Thursday from 18:30 to 19:15
  • The Master Class runs for a period of 6 weeks
  • Session recordings
  • Telegram group for Q&A and group interaction.

Share Direct is looking forward to assist you on your journey to demystify Crypto Currencies, helping you achieving your financial goals.

The topics to be covered:

  1. Introduction to Crypto Currencies

  2. Getting Started

  3. Crypto Exchanges

  4. Crypto Wallets

  5. Crypto Terminology

  6. Crypto Segmentation

  7. Differentiating Blockchains

  8. The Player

  9. Decentralised Finance (DEFI)

  10. Crypto Staking

  11. The Metaverse

  12. On-Chain Analysis

  13. Investing vs Trading

  14. Do Your Own Research

  15. Crypto Regulation

  16. A Change of Guard

Zoom Sessions will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 18h30 – 19h15 for a period of six weeks. These sessions will be interactive with time for questions and answers. All sessions will be recorded.

Each client will have a private session with Nicolle prior to the commencement of the Master class.

Nicolle will be available on Telegram for communication, guidance and updates.

The number of delegates is limited to 10 only.

Please feel free to contact me directly should you need any additional information or if you would like to book your seat, 082 891 4934.

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