Crypto-Currency Master Class

(1 Rating)

Crypto-Currency Master Class

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About Course

We are delighted to announce the launch of our long awaited Crypto Currency Master Class presented by Nicolle Wepener exclusively designed for you!

The topics to be covered:

    1. Introduction to Crypto Currencies
    2. Getting Started
    3. Crypto Exchanges
    4. Crypto Wallets
    5. Crypto Terminology
  1. Crypto Segmentation
  2. Differentiating Blockchains
  3. The Player
  4. Decentralised Finance (DEFI)
  5. Crypto Staking
  6. The Metaverse
  7. On-Chain Analysis
  8. Investing vs Trading
  9. Do Your Own Research
  10. Crypto Regulation
  11. A Change of Guard

Zoom Sessions will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 18h30 – 19h15 for a period of six weeks.

These sessions will be interactive with time for questions and answers.

All sessions will be recorded.

Each client will have a private session with Nicolle prior to the commencement of the Master class.

Nicolle will be available on Telegram for communication, guidance and updates.

The number of delegates is limited to 10 only.

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Course Content

Introduction To Crypto Currencies

Getting Started

Crypto Exchanges

Crypto Wallets

Crypto Terminology

Crypto Segmentation

Differentiating Blockchains

The Player

Decentralised Finance (DEFI)

Crypto Staking

The Metaverse

On-Chain Analysis

Investing vs Trading

Do Your Own Research

Crypto Regulation

A Change of Guard

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 1 Rating
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3 weeks ago
Excellent Course presented by Nicolle. Took all the misconceptions surrounding Crypto out of the equation! An absolute must to be on par with the digital world.